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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Astrology: Stars and Men

Astrology commonly known as the science of stars, is derived from the Greek word “astrologia” which means star study. It is a science based on the belief that the position of the stars in the sky bears a connection with the common man and influences their affairs, which is why the positions of the celestial bodies are studied and subsequently, astrology determines the affect and nature of influence of the stars on the common man.

Astrologers believe of all things in the universe to be intimately and strongly connected, that is, it is one single organism and since it is one, all its inhabitants are linked. One action will affect the other to an extent which is either great or minuscule.

Astrology believes that our bodies, since being connected with everything in the universe, radiates and receives frequencies and reacts accordingly. It may sound weird but it was not long ago that the idea of radio and x-rays were laughed at. These planetary bodies generate frequencies which are received by our bodies and reacts to its tune. Many astrologers believe that it is planetary energies that create certain events in our lives.

The most famous product of astrology which is widely followed and believed in is the sun sign. The zodiac is an imaginary belt or a line of constellations in space through which many celestial bodies transit. In astrology, the belt is divided into twelve equal parts, each containing a different astrological constellation. These constellations were looked at by astronomers and identified. Based on certain factors which would render the constellations important, twelve constellations namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces were identified and certain characteristics were attached to them.

In astrology these are more popularly known as sun signs which are usually assigned during birth. A person’s sun sing identifies where in the zodiac was the sun located when the person was born. If a person was born in the month of July, then the sun was placed in the month of July and if the sun was placed in July then the sun was in the Cancer constellation in the zodiac. Thus Cancer being the sun sign. This part of astrology is extremely famous and is considered by many to be very accurate with regard to the characteristics attached to the constellations.

Another very important and famous aspect of astrology has been horoscope astrology. This involves two dimensional diagrams of the “heavens” drawn onto a sheet of paper into which certain details including the time of a certain event that has occurred or will be occurring are entered. After the details are entered, calculations are made taking into consideration the position of the constellations in the sky during the time of the occurrence of the particular event. When the calculations are done, the future is predicted with respect to that particular event. This event could range from a child’s birth to the inauguration of a business. If the prediction turns out to be unfavorable, then efforts are made to avert the event from happening and if it is in favor then the event is celebrated.

It is often noticed that astrology is confused with astronomy. Astronomy is quite distinct from astrology. Astronomy is the science through which the positions of the stars are located and recorded, and using sophisticated equipment, the composition of these stars are determined along with their path of origin. Astronomy does not believe that stars influence life on earth.

Astrology has had a massive influence in the world from the start of its existence. Many cultures and languages have been influenced by it. In fact, we live right under its influence and have no idea about it. The word “martial arts” have been derived from the planet mars which means god of war, influenza was derived from influencia, a latin word meaning influence, since the doctors thought this disease was influenced by the stars, lunatic being derived from Luna; the moon and so on.

Many have criticized astrology to be unreal and a science to have no accurate results. However, it has influenced our world to a great extent and is widely practiced and followed, some do it religiously, some don’t and some laugh at its very existence, but one thing is clear. Astrology is here to stay.

The author writes articles on Astrology as well as on psychics