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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How and Why Psychics Known as Clairvoyant

How can we define psychics

The word psychic is derived from the Greek word ‘Psyche’ which means the human spirit, force and intellect. A true psychic is very sensitive in way of touching, feelings, emotions, courage, smelling, coloring, designing and shaping etc.

Freud’s perceptions regarding psychics
  • Sigmund Freud has been one of the greatest psychoanalysts ever in the world of psychics. He was of the view that the human psyche is consisted of three kinds of various sensitive parts, such as ego, the super ego and the identification. These three parts of human brains have the extra sensory perceptions, such as they relate to how we observe ourselves, how others perceive us and who we truly are.
  • The ‘who we truly are’ is the devout part of us, such as our soul is built in such a process that narrates and visualizes in the image of God. Therefore it is the soul that interlinks to psychics, such as future, past and present predictions.
  • The humans’ consciousness and unconsciousness is truly the psyche that is totally linked to the process of spirituality, divination and extra sensory perceptions and paranormal powers.
How and why psychics known as spiritualists

The psychics are those people who know the dynamics of natural and supernatural world by having their paranormal feelings and mysticism. In this regard, the majority of the psychics would face the creatures of space and time, such as evil spirits, giants, angels, witchcrafts, ghosts and banshees etc. Psychics have the unique and sharp sensibility like sixth senses for prevailing over the spirits of space and time.

How paranormal and extra sensory is ancient and modern day psychics
  • The psychics have various and different kinds of arts in both the ancient and modern times. The ancients’ psychics were consisted of observing and healing the various dynamics of their societies. These actions were occurred through the sudden attacks of witchcrafts and evil spirits toward the people of ancient society that were later restored by the magic spells of the psychics of ancient times. More and more, the ancient psychics were consisted of different events, elucidations, acts, reacts and solutions for the social, cultural, economic and psychological disasters.
  • On the other hand, the modern psychics is involved in various modes of psychic arts, such as telephone psychic reading, tarot reading, palm psychic, distant psychic, online psychic , love psychic and astrology etc. However, it is not to say that these kinds of psychic arts were not present in the ancient times. Actually, the art of psychics really emerged from the Stone Age times, when various psychic readers had started the field of paranormal psychics.

In a nut shell, we can say that the psychic means a unique extra sensory perception or paranormal observation that contains the arts of divinations, mysticisms, spiritualisms, saints and sacred entities. Psychics go through the spirits of space and time under an extreme verbal and non verbal communications in order to capture the souls of evil spirits and other creatures of the natural and supernatural world. That’s why; people have the belief in psychics in most of the psychic healings all around the world and this consequence has been carried on since the evolution of this universe.

About the Author:

The author writes articles on psychics. For more information visit online psychic reading